Charlotte Wedding Photographer

Mentoring Program

Photography Mentoring

My mom handed me her camera one day while we were at Disney and asked me to take some photos while on our vacation. Months later she got the images developed and said she was in awe over some of the photos I took and decided to buy me an actual camera to play around with. Did I know that photography was going to be my full time job one day… absolutely not! I got my first DSLR in 2010 and started to really get into taking photos. I asked all of my friends if I could take photos of them and I was told this was something I needed to pursue. I set the camera down for a couple years to try some other things in life but I always seemed to come back to the camera. I took the leap and went full time as a photographer in 2017 and never looked back! One thing that helped me improve and learn, was the hands on help over the years. I am never one to turn away form helping others, so I decided to start offering mentoring to other photographers! I cant wait to help others pursue their dreams or just learn how to use their camera better!




This mentorship is for those who are interested in starting a photography business or who wants help with building their business.

We will split these sessions up into time blocks though out the month!

The first part of the mentorship we will sit down and talk about you and your business, we will then go over questions you may have about your business, your equipment, workflow, editing, etc.

The second part of the mentorship we will go and shoot a session together, either a single subject or a couple. I will show you how I shoot a session then let you take over and I will shadow and assist you.

The final part of this mentorship we will meet and go over your images that you took at the session, we will go over workflow, editing, social media and any other final questions you may have!




Hands on sessions are for those that are better hands on learners. During this session we will go over your camera and then we will go out and shoot a session, either a couple or a single model. I will begin the shoot with you shadowing me and how I work during a session and then I will step to the side and allow you to take over the session. I will assist and ask any questions that you may have as well as challenge you in different lighting situations. After the session is over we will go over Lightroom workflow and editing.

This session can also be used for those that are interested in learning off camera flash.



(1 HOUR)

One on One sessions are great for any photographer at any skill level! With these sessions we can meet over video call or in person and go over anything that you may still be unsure about or would like a little refresher on! I love offering these quick easy sessions for all photographers of all skill levels!

March 9, 2024

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